General Message


Thursday, August 3, 2023

 Reunion Agenda

Reunion dates are September 22-24, with events for each day. If you require accommodations, the previous invitation provides that information.

Friday, September 22

4:00-5:00 Tour of Aragon Campus - meet at Administration

Casual get together at the Fogbird Lounge, 5:30-9:00

Downtown San Mateo - 144 S B st.

Saturday, September 23

San Mateo Elks Lodge, 229 W 20th Ave

5:30-10:30 - tickets are $95 per person or $115 at the door. 

Casual Dress

Cash Bar

Sunday, September 24

Picnic at Beresford Park, 2720 Alameda de las Pulgas


Bring your own favorite picnic food. Water will be provided.

No alcohol is allowed in the park. 

You can contact us at Aragon reunion 2023 (Class of 1973) on Facebook


Monday, April 17, 2023

50th Reunion Invitation

 Classmates - here is the official invitation! If you need more info, please email us at: in order to make reservations and obtain hotel information. Hope to reconnect with you in September!

Friday, March 3, 2023


 Dear Classmates,

We are having difficulty with people receiving our emails regarding the reunion. We are working on alternatives to alleviate this problem. In the meantime, if you have not heard from us, please check your Spam folder, and/or Promotions.

For people for whom we do not have a working email, we have sent postcards via US mail. Please respond to these postcards, so that we will know if you intend on attending and obtain a valid email address. 

Plans are coming together, along with pricing, and we will be sharing that information with you in the coming weeks!

See you in September!

Martha Hazen Henry

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Pictures, calling all pictures!

 Dear '73 classmates,

The reunion committee is hard at work planning and disseminating information to each of you.

By now, you should have received a card in the mail and/or an email with Save the Date information. We are asking that you RSVP as soon as you can, as this will help us set a price for the weekend.

Now, we are requesting that you send pictures. Your pictures from high school, your friends, parties, dances, sporting events or any school activity! Sadly, I have few pictures from that time, but my hunch is there are some hidden gems out there. 

We would like any and all that you would like to have shared. Please send the pictures in a JPEG format to the following email address:

Several of you are still finding us on our Facebook page, which is another good site to learn information. Aragon Reunion 2023 (class of 1973).

We hope to continue hearing from each of you and I look forward to reuniting in September!

Martha Hazen Henry

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Save The Date!

 Dear Classmates of 1973,

We have emailed the official Save The Date, where we are asking if you plan to attend, along with the dates of the reunion. More information with details will be arriving next month.

If you have NOT received an email about the reunion, please email Aragon1973reunioncommittee@gmail, so that we have a valid, working email for you.

We are trying to keep costs at a minimum, so most of our communication will occur electronically!

Hoping to hear from many of my fellow classmates!

Martha Hazen Henry

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Do you ever spend time thinking of friends from Aragon? People that passed through your life, and you may not even recall how you lost touch? Would you like to reach out to some of them? 

I have reached out to 2 classmates that I have not seen since either the 20th reunion, or when we were in high school. It is kind of intimidating to reach out - maybe they won't remember you, or don't want to hear from you. I can say that both were happy to hear from me and we shared memories. It is worth a try.

Nancy Bartges Loomis reminded me that we wrote on the back of our senior pictures that we shared with each other. I had forgotten. What great memories, and that I found them tucked away with other memorabilia.

I have been fortunate to work on the reunion committee and reunite with those friends. We are now in consistent contact and I love the connection. 3 of us share our Wordle and Phoodle scores. 

Please consider reaching out. We have an email:, the Facebook page, and the Reunion next September. We have over 660 views of this Blog, so I know some of you are looking!

I truly hope to see and reunite with many of you!

Martha Hazen Henry

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Who is ready for the holidays?

The holidays are upon us.  This year has gone much faster than I anticipated.  Thinking back on this year some of my favorite memories are the meet ups I have had with our '73 classmates.  I wish that we would have had social media or even cell phones when we graduated from high school.  I know in my own experience I lost touch with many of my friends because I didn't have an easy way to stay in touch.  Many went off to colleges or took jobs in other states and all of a sudden we were spread out all over the US.  I am so happy that I have had the opportunity to get re-acquainted with many of you, even if it was only an email that was sent to the reunion email.  On Facebook we have an awesome group of over 100 classmates.

As we head into the holidays take a few minutes to reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while.  It is going to make the reunion even more fun anticipating seeing each other in person.  I can hardly wait to see you. 10 months until the reunion!!

Some pictures from a recent get together in San Diego with Dave Terry, Steve Wetterer and Jim Hubbard along with some family and friends.  We took a cruise on the San Diego bay and had a fun dinner together.

Monday, August 15, 2022

 Model Train Museum in San Diego

When you were growing up did you have a model train collection.  Well it seems you do not need to be a kid to still like to play with trains or have a collection.  Recently Steve Wetterer,  his son Steele, my husband and I met in Balboa Park and went to the model train museum.  I didn't really have an interest in trains growing up but found this museum fascinating.  Of course Steve and his son knew the names of all the train engines and what kind of train they were.  The displays showed various areas of San Diego and California.  It was interesting to see what San Diego looked like years ago and how much it has changed. I even enjoyed watching the trains travel along the tracks and look at the detail of the displays.

This was another opportunity to connect with one of our fellow Aragon '73 classmates. Have you made and new connections?  We would love to hear about them.  You can send stories and pictures in to:  I would be happy to post them in the blog for you.

I can't encourage you enough to get out there and make some 
connections with old friends/classmates.

 Good Morning Classmates,

I thought I would let you "see" what I have been doing this summer. We live in Eastern Pennsylvania in the Pocono Mountains. We took our 2 and a half year old grandson to a spur of the Appalachian Trail in Delaware Water Gap. Trust me, the trail in PA is mostly rock and not suitable for toddlers! However, it was a personal thrill to be a part of a trail system that I love hearing about. There is an old Presbyterian Church on the Mountain that has a free inside hostel for hikers with hot shower, bunk beds and a community dinner on Thursday evenings. A friend is a Deacon at this church and the stories they have to tell! We attended a community concert there last night and the hikers were relaxing on the hill with us. 

Please share your adventures with us!

Martha Hazen Henry


Friday, July 22, 2022

Did you have a good friend in high school that you haven't talked to in a very long time?  Does this person come to mind every once in a while and you wonder what they are doing? Do you think to yourself that you need look them up and give them a call, but you just don't seem to get around to it.  You also convince yourself that maybe they don't remember you or you don't have anything in common anymore.  Stop talking yourself out of contacting them!

One thing I have learned being on the reunion committee is how fun it is to reconnect with friends.  It even has been a great experience getting to know classmates that I didn't know very well back 49 years ago, but now I can't imagine not having them in my life.

Don't delay any longer!  Take some time and call, send an email or a letter to that friend.  While you're at it, look up a second friend and reconnect.  

Dave Ware and Dave Terry, recently got together for a visit.  Pam Share Slater and I, along with our husbands,  also got together for the most amazing tacos I have ever had.

So don't miss the opportunity, contact that friend.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

 We need help in locating Cynthia Mijares (Ferko). Last known address was in South Lake Tahoe? 

Thank you!